Friday, March 6, 2009

Do you ever wonder why people sometimes do the things they do or don't do? The whats and whys. You wonder, is it something I said or didn't say. Something I did or didn't do. Was I being "to Real" when I said.......... I've learned and continue to learn that if you spend to much time wondering the whats and whys I will go insane. Im trying to accept things graciously and not maliciously. If I choose the first, my heart attitude stays in a peaceful and happy state of being. If I choose to dwell on the negative, then I become negative. I'm trying to learn and accept, that most of the time family or friends do not mean to be hurtful.
So I choose to dwell on all that is true, noble and right. The things that are pure, lovely and admirable. Think on such things and ponder the great and wonderful things I truly am blessed with. And my heart fills with peace.

1 comment:

  1. Very good post :)I hope you are doing good!
