Friday, February 27, 2009


what a blessing. Parents with youngsters cherish every minute they want to give you. Do not take it for granted. I know sometimes it's easy to say
"not right now" but so much of "those" times, we can give them our time and attention. Really, we just think we can't.

My girls our grown and out on their own. I miss the crazy conversations and silliness that we shared. I don't have many regrets, a few maybe, would I change them if I could, perhaps.

So moms embrace every moment!


  1. Very cute picture you have there!!!! I am off to go treasure my little one right now!

  2. I miss you friend & I NEED a wine date :) I am working through this weekend until next friday. But soon... :)

  3. OMG!!! What a great surprise that was to find my "youngster" on your blog. Oh, the things you will see us go through...

    As for dinner, we are better now but would still love a Jansen dinner WITH the Jansens.
